Most people agree that excessive greenhouse gases are a problem that must be addressed. Industries that rely on fossil fuels are especially highlighted as needing to reduce emissions and businesses are looking for methods to meet government targets without compromising their own agendas.

One option in the battle to decarbonise is the replacement of open cycle gas turbines to a combined cycle. Although not totally solving the issue, this technology has the ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while providing the same or higher power output.

Let’s find out more…

Why is decarbonisation important?

Greenhouse gases, such as CO2, trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, gradually raising the temperature of the planet. Global warming and climate change are becoming ever more concerning issues and so governments around the world are taking steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2020, the Energy White Paper3 (EWP) set the goal to reduce the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. The burning of fossil fuels is especially highlighted as a practice that releases vast quantities of greenhouse gases. Consequently, businesses that rely on gas and coal are asked to find ways to reduce their emissions or potentially face penalties.

Gas turbine power plants must play their part in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combined cycle power plants could be a good place to start.

Read all about decarbonisation on our main website:


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Dutch Gas Turbine Association

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