At Rochem, we specialise in process compressor efficiency. We have long understood that fouling impacts performance and offer world-class products to tackle the issues.

In order to run a productive system it is imperative that fouling is removed and our range of products are trusted by our long-standing customers to do just that.

We offer a full range of products to help boost productivity for our customers. When someone approaches us asking for help to reduce fouling and improve efficiency, a typical order will ultimately include:

FYREWASH® chemicals


Perhaps our best known products are our Fyrewash chemicals. This range of compressor cleaning solutions targets foulants and removes them safely and efficiently. Choose from our specialist chemicals to tackle the specific fouling you are noticing.

Fyrewash is available in 25 or 210 litre drums and 1,000 litre tote bins and we also offer bespoke effluent collection and storage solutions. From start to finish, we can help you find, use and collect the right detergent for your compressor.

Read more about Rochem on our main website:


  • ROMACO heeft 50 jaar ervaring
  • ROMACO heeft een gespecialiseerd klein en flexibel team
  • ROMACO heeft lage minimale afname volumes
  • ROMACO denkt oplossingsgericht mee met de klant
  • ROMACO werknemers hebben internationale ervaring
  • ROMACO heeft wereldwijd collega’s die elkaar ondersteunen
  • ROMACO heeft een eigen laboratorium
  • ROMACO heeft een eigen R&D afdeling

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Dutch Gas Turbine Association

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